The Girl .//x
I am Saosin Lee but you may call me whatever you like.
16 years old, living on the darling Island of Tasmania, which is not quite as cool as it sounds believe me.

I’m the type of girl that you can hear from miles away && the kind that would die for her best friends
&& I am the kind of girl that if I love you, Anywhere you go you can look behind you.. ..I’ll be there.
I laugh at the simplest things, I Live my life for the happy times, I will love anyone who makes me smile ..//x
If I want something I won’t stop fighting till I have it && yet My hair never goes the way I want it && my room can’t stay clean for more than an hour.
If I get a chance, I take it && If it changes my life, I let it.
I’m the type of girl who has no regrets, because at one point, everything I did, was exactly what I wanted
If I can't ignore an insult, I’ll top it && If I can't top it, I’ll laugh it off && If I can't laugh it off, I take a hint.
I love a challenge, So challenge me && If I fight, fight back.
Tell me when I’m wrong && admit it when I’m right.
I’m the kind of girl who will Leave the pieces on the floor and move on && all the way all I want is for one guy to prove that they are not al the same.
. I’m the type of girl who dreams of things to come every moment of the day.
I want to jump off the roof with an umbrella && start my own nudist colony.
I want to join a mob && try and run away.
&& I want to meet you.
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Saosin Lee
Name:Saosin Lee
LocationTasmania, AUS
D.O.B:July 1992 <3

Music, My pup, Art, new people, Goon, Holidays, the beach!, Corny TV shows, Sport, Books

Fake people, Ignorance or Arrogance, People who have already given up, Screamo music, Guys who can't just be friends,


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